It was grey and rainy out, but you could not wipe the bright smiles off the community members' faces in Tla'amin Nation this morning!
Today marks the beginning of Phase 1 of a dream conceived well over two years ago by Tla'amin Nation to be able to have a local care facility in the community. This will be a 24-unit housing block that will provide dignified, affordable, and accessible housing for their Elders and community members with special needs. Tla'amin Nation was awarded $8.8 million in funding by the Rapid Housing Initiative through CMHC in addition to funding from the Tla'amin government to be able to make this dream a reality.
Naut'sa mawt Tribal Council extends our congratulations to Tla'amin Nation for this exciting project!
Check out the the replay of Tla'amin Nation 's Facebook live here.
